New Here?
Here are some of the extra details and a look into the culture at MCA
Dress Code
Dress Code
To read our complete school Dress Code policy, please download the PDF document below. The quick description is khaki, navy, or black uniform-style bottoms and a solid-colored polo shirt. You can purchase uniform clothing from any retailer you choose. There is a link to one possible uniform supplier below for your convenience, and extra ESA funds can be used to purchase uniforms through this store. If you have any questions, please contact the MCA office.
Music, PE, Art & Sign Language Classes
All of our students get to participate in art, physical education, and general music classes one time per week. Sign Language is available for older students. We are open to volunteers who wish to help us enrich these areas of education. Contact the office for more info.
School Supplies
School Supplies
Click the button below to download the latest version of School supplies needed.
Chapel is held on Wednesday mornings. Students are required to wear their MCA polo shirt (which comes with their registration) and khaki bottoms. Typically Chapel consists of pledges to the Bible, Christian Flag, and American Flag, several worship songs, a time of prayer, and then a lesson or devotion given by one of the staff members or a pastor/youth pastor from a local church.
All of our students bring their own packed lunch every day. Please use cold packs to keep food cool. We also have microwaves that staff use to heat lunch items for the students as needed.